Lyric discussion by mrmoo232 

I dont know how any of you can choose a favorite beatle, they were/are all brilliant in so many ways. and sayin lennon was an idiot is just retarded. lennon was a musical genious. No one was the leader of the band, a bands that have leaders arn't successful and break up pretty fast. If anyone was the leader then it was george martin, it was his job to lead the band to success. Choosing a favourite out of a legendary band where everyone write great song is just an impossible task.

As for the song, very nice to listen to on lsd :D i think its just about putting a positive outlook on things. For every time the word "goodbye" is used, the word "hello" is used 3 times. Goodbye isnt a nice word as it represents some1 leaving. The same concept can be said for "yes" and "no" Yes is a word of acceptance, letting something into your life, where as no is pushing something away

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