Lyric discussion by spooner113 

I like the LOTR references in this song, though I don't think that the entire thing is about those books. I think that the main idea is trying to find a perfect girl (as mentioned before.) but losing her (I really liked what a person said about the deffiniton of Gollum on the first page. I think that the reference to Mordor was just talking about a bad place in general, where he least expected to find her. Then Gollum maybe meaning some liar basically ran away with her at the last minute. I'm not deniying the references at all. I just think that LOTR refernences aren't as frequent in Zeppelin songs as some people think they are.
There deffinetly are references to it in this.

This is probably my favorite song off of Zeppelin II. Funny thing is a just read the LOTR series for the first time,and I've had the books for about four years. (This is probably because I was eleven when I got the books)

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