Lyric discussion by crumbs 

found this interview on You ain't no Picasso.... I think it answers the question of what this song is all about....


Now, just a fan sort of question here. I really love “Gay A” off the “Wet and Rusting” EP and was wondering if there’s any connection between it and Radiohead’s “Kid A.”

[Laughs] No. There’s no meaning in relation to “Kid A.” It has no personal meaning to any of us in the band. A friend of mine went to one of those… like, places where they didn’t want to be gay any more.

Like a religious camp?

Yeah. Like one of those where they didn’t want to be a part of the gay lifestyle any more. It’s based on my misconception about what that was. I was under the assumption that you go to these places to not be gay any more, but that’s totally not what it is. It’s just for people who don’t want to be in the gay lifestyle. You can’t really can’t stop being gay. But the point isn’t to rid you of your gayness, but just to help you if you don’t want to be a part of that lifestyle.

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