Lyric discussion by gracefulstumbles 

I agree with crumbs, this song is definately sarcastic or ironic. I think the speaker is either the many ignorant Americans who turn their faces away and celebrate within themselves to "a happy new year", speaking ironicly of love and joy, selfishly repeating "us, and "our," burying away the reality of all the wars and trouble that is being fought all around the globe or the speaker is some sorr of a powerful leader, like a president.

The background sounds remind me of soldiers.
First we hear the engines and blades of flying machines (planes and helicopters) which makes me think of our soldiers leaving the coutry to other countries, then sirens of an ambulance or police car and then gunshots, meaning people getting hurt or killed.

And still, the speaker mentions only "all those who are gahered here," talking more about blessing and love. Makes me think of a Christian who is... I can't even think of the right word... Somewher in between selfish, hippocritical, and prideful. Blessing and only acquanting with those like themselves. "To all that is gentle, kind, and forgiving."

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