Lyric discussion by Kerpotkin 

I just saw "little miss sunshine" for the 5th x. What a lovely movie, and I agree that this song is sooo perfect. I think of the relationship of alan arkins character "grandpa" when I hear the song... the very honest outlook on life. In the movie, alan's character is the most honest, functiional and clearheaded. Almost like...Whatever happens in life, good or bad, it's ok. Let's enjoy the good while we can.

Kerpotkin, Grandpa was anything but functional and clearheaded. However, the fact is that the movie was so honest about families. In a weird pendulum effect, a wild carousing drug-addled dad may father sons who are gay academics or straight-laced conformist family men. A "normal" dad in turn may just as easily father a quirky rebel punk as an innocently sweet little girl. What is perfect about the movie is how family creates its own "normal" which may be entirely bizarre to the outside world. What a great ensemble cast.

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