Lyric discussion by birju 

I'm glad people are discussing the meaning and not just saying that they like/hate this song and Beam. Anyway, if you look up literary references to Jezebel, you'll see that her story has been used to keep down women who are independent (in various ways, including financially and sexually), strong and outspoken, who don't quietly obey their husbands no matter branding them "Jezebels," and implying that her destiny awaits them if they don't mend their ways. I believe Sam isn't trying to reinterpret the story--it is what it is, and it's quite horrific, really. I think he's singing to this character of Jezebel that's been created for us to blame and letting her know that he sympathizes with her plight, with the way she's been used (if, indeed, a real Jezebel existed and did what she's said to have done, I highly doubt Sam would sympathize with her). And really, in the story, the only people who benefited from her, who appreciated her, albeit in a twisted way, were actually the dogs who devour her, and so they call to her to not lament, for they'll love her and it is for them that she was created (in a way), which makes that part of the song equally haunting and beautiful to me.

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