Lyric discussion by Silverdew 

I love this song.

It seems like the lyrics on this album actually get quite dark and bitter in places, even when on the surface they might seem like happy songs. This one is a good example.

I take it that he's trying to convince someone to sleep with him (I don't see how the first verse can mean anything else, I really don't) and it's just a more jaded view of love. It seems like he feels a lot more for the person than he is letting on but he knows it's not mutual. The chorus is about getting out of the club or wherever they are while she's still in the right mood to go along with what he wants, before the night ends and the spell is broken.

And yeah, "work" doesn't mean a job, and I think that line is referring more to their balance between "work and play", not about the two things in general if you know what I mean. The key point is "to mix the way we do" - it could be okay to mix the two but in this song the narrator is putting in all the work but for the other person it's just a game.

I think they based the video around highschool because they didn't want to shoot a video about one-night stands and alienate their teenage audience, lol. It's great with JEW how the music can sound so sparkly and happy but when you read into it, the lyrics can get really viscious.

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