Lyric discussion by Sioux 

This song means alot to me personally, as it does to many.

A year ago I found myself crying listening to this as I realized I was yet another child he was saying this too. Since than I've slowed down and take life one day at a time, enjoying it as much as I can. To my horror, I am now 19 and missed out on my child hood but I'll be damned if I miss my 20s.

I love this song.

Holy shit. When I read this, I immediately burst into tears. That is the story of my life.

Thank you.

@Sioux I've been using this website for years but I was compelled to make an account just to talk with you. I'm 19 now while I'm reading this and your comment resonated with me. It's crazy to think that you were 19 when you wrote this comment but looking at the time stamp saying 2007, it feels as if we've gone through a wormhole and now you're 29. You said you'd be damned if you missed your 20s. How was it? Did you get what you wanted? I'm in the same position as you and I would be curious to hear...

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