Lyric discussion by sherbert lemon 

I could never quite understand this song, now I have read what people have said about it, makes sense that it is about someone (his mum) who has seen pain and death and gone beyond that and so is a bit mixed up, and his having to deal with her erratic behaviour. It is about how life is so quick to leave us, how a future can suddenly seem impermenant, she seems to have reacted to its impermenance by becoming erratic and almost irresponsible, like nothing matters because it is all going to be taken away again so soon, and even though she has survived it doesnt mean that they wont still all die some time in the future, so nothing really makes sense or matters any more, there is no permenance but in our ultimate isolation and loss, we have nothing and we have everything, because it is irrelavent what we have or what we lose, it all ends anyway. but before i read these explanations it made me think about myself and my boyfriend. I'm pretty mixed up and erratic in my behaviour, getting depressed and flippant about life in that way, anxiety or whatever. This song sounds like it is written from my boyfriends point of view observing me. there is a lonliness even when you are with those that you love, when something isnt right with your mental health - it makes us both alone in our love.

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