Lyric discussion by mcgubligan 

Thanks for these insights, LeatherApron and dorareever especially!

I wonder why the poet interweaves Jesus and this very attractive, but 'half-crazy' woman together in the song (beyond the surface connection of the Montreal setting).

It strikes me that he is musing on the imponderables of faith and on attraction. Despite what he says in his interview, there is more than 'just' his physical attraction to Suzanne that apparently puzzles him. He seems at pains to make it clear that Suzanne does not have a 'perfect mind', but *that is 'why you want to be there (as opposed to, or in addition to, her beauty?) - presumably because her behaviour, though hard to grasp, is compelling and intriguing, like the blindness of faith, and ultimately the poet is touched by her mind, whereas it had been the other way around at some earlier time (as in the first stanza).

I simply don't know. It's nice to know that the 'tea and oranges' was actually a brand of tea that had pieces of dried orange in it, though.

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