Lyric discussion by ardy189 

religion sucks? negative impacts of religion?

Believe it or not most religions do not allow senseless killings, fanatics make it seem like they do. Most of them also do not condone suicide, so you can't blame religion for suicide bombings. If you'd still like to point fingers, point them at fanatics, don't blindly accuse religion for all things wrong with the world, maybe you could blame James Hetfield for that.

And Dave seems to getting more and more Christian nowadays..

ohh, great song by the way..

One of the few good comments i have seen around here...

I stongly disagree but agree... religion isn't bad... CHRISTIANITY AND CATHOLISM ARE. For one, I know religions that are good and actually are free. I find both those religions to be very hateful and "I am right not you" kinda philosophy. I myself am Pagan, I'm not saying paganism is without it's dickheads but the religion itself is free, you can worship whatever you want and they teach many things like acceptance. Christians say you should accept others but we all know that they don't I mean HELLO look at homosexuals and their lack of rights, lack of rights of...

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