Lyric discussion by WPBgirl 

This song to me seems to be about a man who is desperately waiting on his chance with this woman he loves.

The "I'm the next act waiting in the wings" line confirms that he is waiting on her. Perhaps they are only friends but he wants more.

It is obvious too that he is slightly bitter in the way he feels ignored by his love.

The line that says "I only stick with you because there are no others" seems to indicate that he believes she is the only one for him. His soul mate.

"I'm in the middle of the picture lying in the leaves" sounds like a metaphor for how he feels placed in this woman's life. Smack dab in the middle waiting.

The end climax is the most haunting of the song. "It's all right" It's all wrong" "It's all right" Sounds like he is in a lot of pain. Unrequited love.

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