Lyric discussion by early15 

i always thought that the words "lost in the flood" was that persons inevitable fate and their inability to escape their surroundings.

in the first verse i think bruce is tryin to say that the inevitable fate of the soldiers that returned home from veitnam was that they were never the same, were changed, and in some ways lost parts of themselves in the war. i think the ironic religious references in this verse show that the returning soldier, who once viewed the church and religion as a place he could turn to for truth and safety, has changed and after what he witnessed in the war can no longer trust in religion and can no longer believe in it because of the traumas he went through.

i think the second is explaining how small town or country kids spend their lives workin on their cars and racing them and their inevitable fate is death in a car accident. The "hurricane" is the accident itsself and the "blood where the body fell" is proof of the persons death.

the third verse is about city kids who spend their lives involved in gang/street violence and eventually reach their inevitable fate which is death by violence. in my opinion the line "his body hit the street with such a beautiful thud" is showing how the media, movies, music have glorified violence and in some ways made it seem like an art form.

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