Lyric discussion by serenity23 

This song is kind of depressing, but at the same time peaceful. Its sad because no one wants to be alone all the time, everyone wants to be understood. But at the same time, realizing that theres many things about this world that are fucked up and choosing solitude over conforming is a powerful notion. |The sense of peacefulness comes from the fact that its only sometimes he wishes someone would find him, for the most part he's accepted and learned not to fear being alone. But then again, sometimes being on your own that much does start to make you wonder if your crazy for what your doing, so that you have to check to make sure you're still alive

I don't usually make comments like these, but this is a beautiful interpretation. Great job, my friend.

"No one ever wants to be alone all the time" I do. I love being alone in the dark

@serenity23 this is another song that describes me, or my approach to life.

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