Lyric discussion by reckless1 

sounds like he's trying to sell drugs. "service after sales, No muss, no fuss, no spills, you're tired of kitchen drudgery, it slices it dices and it lasts a lifetime, it forges your signature and gives you excuses for the lipstick on your collar. it's a friend, a companion, and gives you denture breath, etc etc etc etc." so tom's a drug salesman now...

C'mon, man! Not everything is written in code! You're obviously too young to remember the Ronco ads of the 70s. More annoying than the godawful Oxyclean, Magic Hose, "Make You POS a Brand New Car crap" ads now.

As hysterically funny as the whole song is, the line "The large print giveth & the small print taketh away" says it all!

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