Lyric discussion by SynikaL 

I'm pretty confident this song is just general commentary on the rap industry -- particularly the first verse:

"Eye for an eye by the bog's life swamps and vines, they get a rise out of frogs and flies, so when a dog fight's hog-tied prize sorta costs a life, the mouths water on a fork and knife, and the allure isn't right. It's gore on a war torn beach where the cash cow's actually beef. Blood turns wine when it leak for police like that's not a riot it's a feast, let's eat."

These bars are a good example. Here it seems as though he's commenting about the general consumer's blood thirsty desire for violence in the rap industry and actual incidents feeding the lust, consequently making eager police department's job's easier as they simply sit back and watch these gangsters embrace the gimmick and eliminate each other.

The second verse is specifically commenting on Aesop's desire to stay true to himself, despite any pressures conjured up by mainstream criticisms:

"What a bit of gusto he muster up, to make a dark horse rush like enough's enough, it musta struck a nerve so they huff and puff, til all the king's men fluster and clusterfuck, and it's a beautiful thing, to my people who keep an impressive wingspan even when the cubicle shrinks, you gotta pull up the intruder by the root of the weed, NY chew thru the machine."

These bars pretty much sell that.


That is a good way of looking at it, I thought it might have been a more politically themed piece on war. However, I suppose that the rap industry is turning in to a war of a sort and could hold true for both with most verses. I am stumped on what he means by:

I think that verse is basically saying, If you've had an easy life, (never had a day a snow cone couldn't fix), you can't really relate to people who go through legitimately tough shit. (The rogue vocoder blitz = rap industry?)

"If you never had a day a snow cone couldn't fix, you wouldn't relate to the rogue vocoder blitz, how he spoke thru a no-doz motor on the fritz, cuz he wouldn't play roll over fetch like a bitch, and express no regrets, though he isn't worth a homeowner's piss to the jokers who pose by the glitz. Fine."

I think you guys nailed it...its the music industry.

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