Lyric discussion by Klinky 

Peter Fonda was recently interviewed on "Here & Now" with Robin Young(produced by WBUR, He was being interviewed because of the movie "3:10 to Yuma". Peter stated that George Harrison was having a bad trip & he was trying to calm George down by telling George that he knew what it was like to be dead. So at least I believe the song is in part due to Peter Fonda.

Wikipedia states that there are early demos with the lyrics stating "He said", instead of "She said". Also it states that John Lennon was upset with what Peter was saying and stated "You're making me feel like I've never been born". Eventually John had Peter kicked out.

Boy, I'd like to have Peter Fonda with me if I was having a bad acid trip, especially if I thought zombies were eating my brain, or that he was a vampire. It would be really helpful to hear him say, "I know what it's like to be dead, man."

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