Lyric discussion by GDC2 

I love this song and believe it's one of Dylan's most profound songs. Coming from his deep Biblical understanding, it's an allegory about the church as the Bride of Christ: "They say in your father's house, there's many mansions Each one of them got a fireproof floor". This comes from Jesus' promise in John 14:2. The protagonist is like Pilgrim's Progress' Mr Worldly-wiseman which is why he's using the corny pick-up line on the Bride. His boss is Satan, of whom "They say that vanity got the best of him" (he fell because of pride - Ezekiel 28:17) "But he sure left here in style" (he fell like lightning - Luke 10:18) As for "I once knew a woman who looked like you", Mr WWM is talking about Israel who was also a Bride before the church but who was seduced from the Way: "In order to deal in this game, got to make the queen disappear" from her King. I hope the church is listening to Dylan's warning...

I tend to agree. The context of the times was the emergence of the Moral Majority in helping to get Regan elected. I think the song is more specifically about the Church in politics.

"Got to have your own harem when you come in the door Got to play your harp (harmonica) until your lips bleed. They say that patriotism is the last refuge To which a scoundrel clings Steal a little and they throw you in jail Steal a lot and they make you king"

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