Lyric discussion by JL514 

Everyone is saying that he doesn't like one night stands and he's done them in the past and he falls in love and he knows he shouldn't anymore.

I think it's just the opposite. He WANTS the one night stand. He's tried love in the past, that's what didn't work out, and he was the only one who got burned, because he was the only in love. So he's decided he doesn't want love anymore, he just wants to fuck around.

He goes to the party looking for a girl. The young girls look at him like he's something special, because he's older (if you're a guy and have ever hang out with younger girls you'll know what this is like, .. fish in a barrel) so they look at him like he actually has a real reason to stare at them, while girls his age just brush him off.

She's leaving, he's got one night, and all he's interested in is taking her home. He knows it's wrong. She starts crying because she's leaving (probably for college.. girls always cry when they're leaving for college) and all he can think about is making a toast to get her more drunk so he can get what he's after. She keeps talking about how she's leaving, and he doesn't care, he just needs the directions back to her place.

But when he gets to her place, things are really wrong.. he realizes that she's really young, and just follows trends and doesn't even think for herself yet. Before he knows it they're having sex, and he realizes that he's attached to her, and shit.. now he's back to where he started!

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