Lyric discussion by skinnedalive 

I had no verse interpretation to offer because I was commenting merely because I did so on the other two songs as to the message behind "Knives Out", but upon thinking about the lyrics.

The drowning dog is basically saying you are good for nothing, lame, worthless, you go through life in your own world without bothering to let anyone in, essentially, you are unable to bark, you are unable to show affection of any kind.

The mouse is you, the you that is full of fear, and is controlled by that fear and your insecurities.

Look into my eyes is referenced in two separate verses because it is something people affected by this fear of communication and connection (love) cannot do. And when they are able to make eye contact with someone they would like to engage, they are only doing it for self-satisfaction, justification that they are worth something but they end up letting the person down in the end by leading their wallpaper lives. (this is referenced in Cuttooth "build you up to pull you down..."). This is my take on the whole single anyway. I'm fairly sure this was what he was saying, at least it's what I head.

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