Lyric discussion by madnesslover_89 

A lot of Styx songs don't have that "deeper meaning" that people try to find in songs. Sorry, many just DON'T have it...the meaning is directly in the lyrics, and usually has no depth whatsoever...not all Styx songs, but many. This isn't an insult to them, and although it is usually considered to be a trademark of a rather non-imaginative lyricist, Styx pull it off very well.

That being said...they're absolutely fantastic. Excellent vocal and musical work make the classic songs hundreds of times better than most modern music.

"keeping my eye to the keyhole" refers to, in this particular lyrical context, working a bad job and listening through the upper staff's door keyholes (literally) to hear about new job advancement opportunities.

This song is fantastic...but attempting to draw depth from it is a lost cause.

spiegelglanz, nice interpretation, but I'm sure even you can see it's stretched razor-thin. I wonder if Styx intentionally did this, to make people wonder about the lyrics, because people always have for as long as music with vocals has existed.

Then they would be keeping their ear to the keyhole, not the eye. It's about opening the third eye through ritual sodomy.

@madnesslover_89 not having a "deeper meaning" is absolutely NOT a sign of an "unimaginative" lyricist, and you're A) just making shit up and B) kicking an easy target, as all the Cool Sheep constantly dump on Styx for whatever reason.

Yeah, there's some schmaltz in their recordings ( courtesy of Dennis DeYoung, usually, although he's also written great stuff too), but I've head laughable lyrics in my day, and Styx, at their best, do not have laughable lyrics normally.

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