Lyric discussion by lermontov 

Well done for some excellent analysis, especially Fordie. For me, this is about those first tentative days of a relationship before you've made love. I once surpirse a girlfriend by taking her somewhere special for the weekend. I knew that if she agreed to go, that she felt the same way about me and we would take our relationship to the next level. When I told her I had a surprise, I could hardly contain myself and I wanted to blurt out all the secret and ruin the surprise.

When KOC sing, "without giving anything away, I can say its by the sea" it reminds me of the excitement I felt as I almost ruined my surprise.

For anyone who goes to Norway, especially the west coast, you'll see many summer homes with white wooden walls that peel in the elements. They are normally closed up between September and May and the gardens grow wild in the winter. When you open up the houses in the spring and emerge from a long winter of darkness, its a very powerful feeling. The open window shutters in the sun make the dust shine like gold in the air. The house inthe song is a real place, but embodies the pathos of a special moment. I can see no finer metaphor for opening up to a new love in a secret place.

If I had my time again, I would love to take someone to a white Noregian summer house, a place we could open for the summer and where we could be alone and make love for the first time

@lermontov If you're still here, what a total romantic you are. Well done. <3

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