Lyric discussion by Lozeli 

I love this song, although I don't think many people have heard it. The lyrics are amazing and suggest one of two ideas to me:

*This song is from the point of view from the piano Regina had to leave behind in Moscow in a child...(crazy I know but I'll come back to this later)

*Or it's about the black plague that swept England in the 1300's

PIANO THEORY! If you notice "suspended and open" are both types of chords. These chords sound incomplete and unfinished, which could symbolise the loneliness of the piano as its player had to abandon it. The part: " I Am Down the road And up the hill I wait for you still" symbolises the piano awaiting for the return of Regina or someone who will play it, and the "one floor, one ceiling", conveys how lonely and isolated the piano feels (if a piano can feel anything at all- but lets use our imaginations :) ) The part at the end when is says "open up your eyes, come in", it's almost beckoning Regina to open up her eyes, to come back and find the piano she played when she was a young child.

PLAGUE THEORY The piano theory may be a bit crazy but I think is a more logical idea to the song- if it can be called that, since the only person who knows the true meaning of the song is Regina :) During the black plague in England, sometimes people who were infected were put in a corner of a room and a wall was built around them in order to stop the disease being spread, which would explain: I (uh) Am (uh) In a room, I've built myself (uh) For (uh) Straight walls (uh) One floor (uh) One ceiling Day after day I wake up feeling Day after day I wake up feeling Feeling"

This song could be the plea of someone who has been confined to be let out in order to feel "potentially lovely, perpetually human". The part where it says "scrubbing out the stains again" symbolises the people of the towns where the plague is continually washing and scrubbing their clothes to prevent the spread of disease. The verse that starts "in the night the snow starts falling.." represents the many people who are staying in doors looking through their windows- they are frightened to leave the house incase they become infected. They are appreciating the falling of the snow which appears so beautiful to them, for so long they have been used to seeing people suffering, their bodies becoming "ugly" from the plague.

What does everyone else think?

I think its the piano theory.

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