Lyric discussion by Merry76 

The song does bring out the perfect "Vampires come out at midnight" feeling.

I'd like to thank Christiangoth for his great translation, but would like to add a bit of my own, because i am native german speaking, and i think he has missed a bit while using automated translators (it happens all the time, dont worry about it):

Und es hallt der toten klagen

  • And the crying of the dead resounds -> This hasnt anything to do with dead people. "totenklagen" is mourning (song/cries/whimpering). we could settle for "cries", cause it fits so well => Mourning cries resound

Tief im nacken das grauen sitzt

  • Up to the neck the gray sit ->Something lost in translation: In german "Das grauen sitzt dir im Nacken" means: "You are overcome with dread". This is probably impossible to translate 1:1, so we assume: => You are overcome with dread

Kalte, dichte nebelschwaden

  • Cold, dark clouds -> "Nebelschwaden" is Traces(Fingers) of Mist (and i dont even know if there is anything like this in english). So anything like "Cold, thick Fingers of Mist" - I choose "Fingers" because it suits the Song better :) => Cold, thick Fingers of Mist

Anima in nebula

  • Life in a dark cloud.** ->I have no clue of latin, but couldnt it mean: Anima i nebula, and somehow mean: Living Mist or animated Mist? It would suit the Theme of Vampires at Midnight again... => Living Mist

Hörst du dein herz und die glocken schlagen -You hear your heart and the clock strike.*** ->This is also lost in translation. In german, Clocks also "beat", like a heart. Its the same word, though we too have several different words for hitting stuff. Coincidentally, we use the same for hearts and bells ;) => You hear your heart and the bell strike

Thats about what i can make out. Someone correct me if i am wrong :)

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