Lyric discussion by seizingrelease 

I think this is my favorite song on OLTA as of now...could change as I listen to more and more of the album. It is about how he is involved in a relationship in which the girl is dominated by subtle society and its rotting effects on her as well as on their relationship. As she is sucked into this degradation, he continues to be there for her, for their relationship. He continues to love her "through the wax and waning" of the moons, of the nights and days, of the months, maybe even the years. He, however, is getting sick of it all "as he passes the days" and she "[follows] the body." He wants her to let go of this ever pulling clutch that slowly squeezes out the meaning and value of everyday life. He wants to take off the mask that he is constantly having to wear because of her. The mask gets hot, after a while, and he is suffocating. She is too, and he is warning her before it is too late, before the mask becomes her. He warns her because he cares about her, and thus will always be there.

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