Lyric discussion by SwimAndy013 

I think the album was a digression as well, but i feel like there were some real highlights where they really shined, the problem is... my favorite wasn't on the CD, Fallen Man was amazing, one of my favorite songs yet from Relient K, also Death Bed, I Need You, Forgiven and Devestation and Reform were all highlights in my own opinion. I thought Come Right Out and Say It was the catchiest song and should have been the second single, but also felt they fell far short of what they could have accomplished... Forgiven was a weak slow song compared with (The Moments I Feel Faint, Getting Into You, and When I Go Down), and songs like Must Have Done Something Right, The Best Thing (although there are some good riffs there), this song, are all a little too sugar coated for me, also I have personally never liked Faking My Own Suicide, it just never sounded good to me. This is just my own opinion, not to offend anyone, if u have any comments i'd love to hear them! Man... I can't believe Fallen Man wasn't on the album!

Personally, I like Must Have Done Something Right...

Though I agree, there are a few songs on there I don't like. My sister only borrowed the disc and downloaded a few songs (I may get the whole one, if only for Crayon Can mlt on Us for All I care) Lock The Windows, Why Don't You, I Need You or So I'm taking you With Me- I just haven't eben a big fan of heavy rockish songs.

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