Lyric discussion by kipperjoe 

quite simple really, about a guy who falls in love with a girl but doesnt have confidence in himself to do anything about it, and rather than make things awkward for the both of them he decides to back away and try his best to stop loving her

umm thats exactly what I feel about a girl who is in love with the White Stripes, so without her I wouldnt have started listening to them, and realizing what it meant...

That seems cowardly of him; typical man tho - always thinking of "his" own feelings....especially when the girl has been going through a lot of emotions that he probably doesn't want to understand, or else he would have been the one there fore her when she's been crying for him....begging him DAILY; to call/come. I'm willing to bet that if only the man would speak up; he would save what they have, and end BOTH their heartaches... I'm thinking the girl is confused in how the messages are being delivered to her, and without "proper" communication is still lost.......

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