Lyric discussion by Ohimitsu 

Ok yeah, I'm prepared to be crucified by the hardcore Maroon 5 lovers but yeah, I'd like to say first that I really like this song based off what it sounds like and the intonation of the lyrics with the melody of the song. With that said I think the lyrics and interpretaiton of this song is disgustingly callous and oversexed doesn't even begin to correctly identify whoever is singing the song if it isn't "Adam". A song about a guy who cheats on his girlfriend multiple times, lies about it, only wants to have sex with her again and acctually expects her to take him back...but yeah I'd just like to say again heart-wrenching emotional drama to a up beat disco beat is fun to listen to, but in actual practice could prove otherwise...sing a little diddy to your gf when she catches you in bed with another girl and see what happens...

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