Lyric discussion by cardcheat 

I recently read the Clash bio Passion is a Fashion and this song is about Mick's relationship with Ellen Foley. The spanish was a last minute decision by Joe when they were recording. They had a friend of a friend or something translate. They put it in what Joe Strummer referred to as Clash Spanish. And I don't think anyone can deny that this song has one of the best hooks ever.

@cardcheat Yes but the translations are all messed up. Some parts don't even have any meaning in Spanish. It's all gibberish.

@cardcheat Maybe so, but the song is basically a modern version of that old time classic "Lupe Lu". Mick's other vocal track on the Combat Rock LP ("Inoculated City") is actually more interesting (and certainly more in line with their original vision as a band), as far as I am concerned.

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