Lyric discussion by Billah 

Yes its about a psychopath forgetting to take their medication but its more than that.

Theres a girl hus in a relationship with the guy whos on medication. and he is going through a rough time... mabey they had a bit of a fight and that got to him even though it wasnt really big... but hes on the edge and it ends up that hes on the edge both mentally and physically (he kills himself) so hes on the edge of a clif about to jump and hes trying hard not to forget who he is but hes batteling himself and he jumps and as hes falling hes all alone and hes still trying not to forget.

Then when he is found dead his girlfriend is so upset ("babey, did you forget to take your meds?") and she thinks about their relationship and she thinks about the sex and drugs (as in his medication not ilegal drugs) and the complications (obviously it would have been a very difficult situation and there would have been lots of comlications.

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