Lyric discussion by frogger6 

i have to agree that the first part about the fall of man would have to be about adam and eve and not some roman mythology. It just makes sense that way. enkainami, you did a good job, but one part i disagree with you on is the bit about the falling out of the doomsday crowd. she says the worst of it has come and gone with the choas of milleneum - and the falling out of the doomsday crowd. I think she's refering to all the people who insisted the world was coming to an end in 2000 (milleneum) and the falling out would be them being wrong (obviously). I was unsure about the burning bridges part and that's why i came here. I guess we can look at in the general sense as it usually refers to making enemies and not allowing yourself an opprotunity to return in the future (never a good idea). I tend to think this song follows a timeline of sorts. If it starts with adam and eve and then progresses to 2000 and then later in the song she mentions "tonight". ...although i'm not sure when this song was written off the top of my head. I'm going to search around some more for other people's thoughts. I'll check back if i find anything.

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