Lyric discussion by phocid 

Hello! Newbie and first time poster here... It seems to me that he's saying he wanted to capture an experience, or capture feeling,s or particular moments in his life (cameras can be/are used to capture moments, memories...), but in his efforts to do so, he got hurt. And hurt BAD. The part about "hit me like a tom" is him saying She/the lover/ hit him like a tom as in tom tom drum- a percussion instrument. She used him to make some 'music' to please herself, used him like one would use an instrument to achieve an end. He was just the means.

It seems to me to be about him feeling like he has been used by his lover. Used, not loved. And this painful experience, this betrayal of trust and I suppose, an offense to his feelings of genuine affection for his lover have left him feeling scarred him for life.

The hurt and betrayal was totally unexpected (as it is in most cases, huh?) so, maybe, he really really trusted her and believed she loved him or cared about him for who he is not just what she could get from him. ? And post-betrayal, or post-being used by her, he's turned his heart off so as not to be hurt again. So as not to be used. Not to be hit like a tom tom drum ever again? And she wasn;t very nice about it all when confronted or asked for explanations. She might have been cruel, dismissive, callous.

Or maybe, like many peopld have done before me and will do after me, I'm just projecting from some of the embittering and painful experiences from my disastrous time as someone who feels used! :-/ :-( :-)

Cheers, Phocid from DownUnder.

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