Lyric discussion by SwAtSnIpEr 

Alright there's a couple of reference's to Julius Caesar in this song.(I

"You see my ghost and you'll never forget it"

To me this refers to Caesar's ghost appearing to brutus the night before he goes to battle. And brutus asks why the ghost has come and the ghost tells him that he will see him at Philippi(the battle grounds.) And later during the battle after some men have commited suicide, Brutus says he can feel caesar's spirt avenging his own death and the spirt of rome. Another one I found was..

"Sometimes betrayal can make you happy"

I think is about Brutus killing caesar. Plain and simple.

The last one that I found,which i just found while going over the lyrics again was..

"I will never recover from this I will never believe in this again I can never go back to the way I used to be before this started "

I think this is about Rome itself. It will never be what it was before caesar died. And it can't ever go back to the way it was.

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