Lyric discussion by devoutus 

To me this song is about consumerism in general

“Everything has been said before There's nothing left to say anymore When it's all the same You can ask for it by name”

This part talks about how nothing is original anymore And how he is not saying anything new just repackaged .nihilism

This next to verses are the slogan the pitch. talking about the message isn’t selling the message it’s the package or the commercial that really matters. You give it the catchy slogan and a little sex and you can have someone buy something they are diametrically opposed to (Jewish persons / Nazism)

The next part is about the advertisers flaunting their power in front of you It’s new(he already told us nothings new anymore) Do you want it, yes Do you know what it is, no But you want it anyway yes Why because we told you, that you wanted it

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