Lyric discussion by sportsfreak588 

I'm basiclly going through this song right now and it sucks a lot.

I see it as a relationship that has been going on for a while now and it just seems like they are on their last leg of it. They've "pulled to many false alarms" which I take as they have broken up and got back together numerous times and this last time is finally it for both of them.

When he says, "How dare you say it's nothing to me, baby you're the only light I ever saw." I see that as an argument after they have broken up and she says something like, "Maybe you never really cared." His response is, you were the only girl I ever saw and wanted to be with.

The part that is, "Don't you think we ought to know by now, don't you think we would have learned somehow?" That hits me really hard. With me and my ex-girlfriend, we broke up so many times and got back together and you would think that we would have learned that it just wasn't working. But we kept at it and we were 'Slow dancing in a burning room."

This song is absoltuley amazing and just explains everything I am going through. It's good to find these songs where the artist can express your thoughts better than you can.

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