Lyric discussion by acodemaster 

This song is truly awsome. I can definetly hear how LP has changed. I think it means "What ive done" really is more like what mankind has done that is destroying this world, hence the music video. and this song is about forgiving the evil people have done and starting over in a clean slate.

oh yeah

What "mankind has done"...really? Com'mon...we are all part of mankind, and the easiest dodge of all is to point a finger at someone else...but only to draw attention away from ourselves.

You cannot "earse yourself...for what I've done." That requires someone else to forgive you.

The sound is great...but the lyrics are problematic and distrubing, to say the least.

Clearly writing to folk that want the power to erase their own sins. Sorry does not work like that.

Cdad was here...

The song has a duo meaning as well as being about sins and redemption it is also about how LP are changing their sound:

Wash away - forgetting the old stuff I start again - In with the new stuff hands of uncertainity what ever pain may come-they are unsure about how it will be recieved and frankly don't care

At least that's what I think though it's all about interpretation.

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