Lyric discussion by kwal30 

To me this is about how the majority of people go through life following a certain plan, accepting the status quo and never questioning why they are doing the things the do. "Everything must be this way" Jim Morrison is urgin people to think freely and make their own decisions, not just what society tells them they should do. "What got us this far, To this mild equator?" We've gotten to the pint where everybody thinks and acts the same. blackmamba is right about working all our lives just to die. And yes, Jim Morrison used acid quite a bit and came up with many of his lyrics that way but they are not just random nonsensical thoughts that pop in his head as he suggests. For me at least the whole song carries the same theme just sometimes its hard to interpret all of Jim's abstract metaphorical language even though it may all be about one thing. Many times he has multiple meanings for his lyrics that are open to interpretation depending on who is interpreting it.

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