Lyric discussion by christieschron 

To me, the song isn't about a hooker, but a girl who has promiscuous sex alot.

"come into my world I've got to show show show you come into my bed I've got to know know know you" She's inviting and enticing the man into her world, and her bed, and she is having hopes of getting to know him better after sex.

"I have dreams of orca whales and owls but I wake up in fear you will never be my, you will never be my fool will never be my fool"

She dreams of innocence, and cute hopeful things, but realizes the nightmare she is living in everytime she wakes up. She realizes the men she has sex with will never love her, and don't have feelings for her. They will never want to be her fool, and she has no power over them.

"Floaters in my eyes wake up in the hotel room cigarettes and lies I am a child, it's too soon"

This is about the morning after.I think the floaters in my eyes could be a metaphor for the way she sees the men, just bodies. Like floaters is slang for a dead corpse found floating in a body of water. The men are dead to her. She always wakes up alone in the hotel rooms, never feeling at home. She is trying to reason with herself saying she's just a kid, it's too soon to be acting like this.

"a little bag of cocaine a little bag of cocaine so is the girl wearing my dress"

THESE LYRICS SHOULD ACTUALLY BE SO WHO'S THE GIRL WEARING MY DRESS. After doing enough cocaine she doesn't even know who she is anymore. She does this so she can forget the pain of the ordeal, and keep going on.

"I figured out her number inside a paper napkin but I don't know her address I wade downstairs"

She has a number on a paper napkin, probably from some guy she met. So she could call him, and do it all over again. She doesn't know her own address because she doesn't have a home, so she just goes downstairs.

"the porter smiles to me a smile I've bought with a couple of gold coins a sign that I've been caught"

She tries to leave, probably without paying for the hotel room or something. And the porter would know. So she bribes him to keep quiet, and he does. She's been caught, but it doesn't matter.

"you will never be my, you will never be my dear will never be my dear, dear friend"

None of the men she finds will ever be her friend, or a dear friend, or anything. They are just one night stands.

So that's my take on this song. It's probably way off, but whatever. It's how I see it. Anyways, I love this song, and all of Regina's work. She is an unbelievable inspiration.

@christieschron I pretty much agree with your theory except I think it's both men and women she sleeps with because it does say I figured out HER number. So I agree with you but I think it's another girls number she got. So anyway good theory just think it's with both men and women.

@christieschron Also instead of the thing where she doesn't have a home maybe she got the girls number but doesn't know where she lives so she can't meet her again, idk I could be wrong :-/

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