Lyric discussion by deluded 

Okay, this song seems pretty obvious enough, but i'll break it down entirely , for you're benefit, woopee

First of all, i'd like to point out, as some of you had said previously, that this song is in fact a recollection of the past between the two lovers, as the song drifts to and fro, past to present.

"Kiss me Out of the bearded barley"

Crop-field, they run through it as children, and the singer wants her/his other to kiss when their "out of the bearded barley"

"Nightly Beside the green green grass" They kissed so often, they lived in the country, hence the green green grass

"Swing swing Swing the spinning step"

Describing the spinning step they used to play on, song is in the present now, they want to relive that old feeling of the swinging step

"You wear those shoes and I will wear that dress"

Again, wanting to relive the past, by donning stuff which were unique to them or made them recognizable at the time.

"Oh, kiss me Beneath the milky twilight Lead me Out on the moonlight floor"

This is pretty obvious, a description of what the singer wants her other to do.

"Lift up your open hand"

She wants him to take her by the hand (aka, lift up your open hand, as if motioning to dance)

"And strike up the band and make the fireflies dance Silver moons are sparkling So kiss me""

This is basically the emotions she wants to feel when she finally gets that long-awaited kiss, the feeling as if a band were playing, fireflies danced in the background, as well as the shimmering light of the moon glimmered on the two.

"Kiss me Down by the broken treehouse Swing me Upon its hanging tire"

Again, we'er back to the recollections, of doing what they used to do in the past

"Bring bring Bring your flowered hat We'll take the trail marked on your father's map"

And so the reminescing continues..Why he has a flower hat, still beats me, but what i think is that the hat was so memorable, that is why the singer is asking for it again,it all about the memories to them. After that, it was time to follow the trail "marked on her boy's, map of the country, which belonged to his dad.

And then it goes back to the chorus

Now to clear up some misconceptions. The song was indeed written by the guitarist Matt slocum, but he wrote it in the shoes of his wife according to him, this also adds to the fact, that slocum said that when he wrote songs, he tried to write songs whilst picturing how the lead vocalist (leigh) would sing it, therefore, writing in the shoes of a female.

The only other part i could'nt be 100% sure of was the flowered hat, but what I said above, should be a more than logical explanation.

And finally, what I feel about this song, its really beatiful lyrically, with a great melody, no wonder it was (and still is) such a hit, but all I have to say is, seeing how this song is so likable, there seems to be an 12 year old girl in each and everyone of us lol I hope this helped everyone out. cheers

@deluded For sure. Your depiction has been helpful! Thanks a lot. In my opinion, these lyrics could participate in a Poetry encounter.

@deluded so the flowered hat meaning - seems strange but if we look at, perhaps the recollections of the story teller it makes more sense. The song was written and produced by the male guitarist. The flowered hat is translated to his wife. We could assume the hippies back in the day would be wearing the flowered hat regardless (male or female). The point is - they literally mean it's a hat and there is no deeper meaning. This song is very simple to understand that it is in fact a recollection of a first kiss - as told by...

@deluded so the flowered hat meaning - seems strange but if we look at, perhaps the recollections of the story teller it makes more sense. The song was written and produced by the male guitarist. The flowered hat is translated to his wife. We could assume the hippies back in the day would be wearing the flowered hat regardless (male or female). The point is - they literally mean it's a hat and there is no deeper meaning. This song is very simple to understand that it is in fact a recollection of a first kiss - as told by...

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