Lyric discussion by wasabi51989 

The lyrics of this song may be some of the most creative in all of Brock's writings. The first three lines are the most creative way I could think of to say that he is literally stuck in life, and has no where to go from there. Being out of gas, out of car, means even if he does obtain one, he still doesn't have the other to go anywhere. And in the event he can get those aspects figured out, he doesn't even have road to move on, and so he is still completely and utterly stuck.

So where all roads in life end, in intoxication. he drunkenly is telling everyone around him that no matter how good it is at that moment, they are gonna fall back into the same position he is. And he is telling everyone, like one gives away kittens....

I dunno, that seems less insightful now that I've written it down.

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