Lyric discussion by smallwonderrobot 

this is totally a song of heartbreak, and the feelings that come afterwards. 'it's just this emptiness / i can't keep it away.' 'i don't think i'll be happy anyway.' this song is awesome.

@smallwonderrobot Yes, this song is about a broken heart and star-cross'd love. "Juliette" is the most famous Shakespearean character -- representing love that could not be. The narrator is on his knees in despair, speaking in tongues. He can't even see the world the same anymore. Everything has a "strange geometry." I suspect "K" is the real name of the subject of the song. He suspects he'll never be happy again. At the same time, it's ALSO ABOUT KETAMINE. But it's metaphorical. The narrator draws a comparison between losing the love of his life and going in the K-hole. I'm...

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