Lyric discussion by AndixOptimist 

Hell, My first important crush/love was this song!

His Name's Billy. I liked him instantly, and he liked me (this was when I was a freshman) but i didn't know that. He was damn good at hiding it. he was two years older than me, and I just felt like he hated me. We were friends, but there'd be periods of weeks where we wouldn't talk, or he'd just be a complete jackass.

Well, recently, or moreover January 7th, we started dating. (I'm a junior now) For awhile i wasn't sure if he was dating me just because i wanted him to, but then he sang this song to me, and it made me realize that he was just scared.

Billy's reserved about everything, he couldn't make up his mind whatsoever when he was in highschool, and now he's a freshman in college, and he's still unsure of himself. We talk about his future a lot, and he always tells me that the only thing he's sure of is me.

I know, gross disgusting love story. Sadly, it's true.

It's a simple song, there's no real hidden message. It's laid right out in front of you, and i think that's what makes it so perfect. I hope to see Wilco in concert!

It's not the greatest love story but hey, it's pretty inspirational for those of us who are in the same place as Billy or Tweedy were. And that's a very large number of people.

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