Lyric discussion by meg9502 

In answer to shout-outoutout's comment:

" did anyone think about the title?

a 'phantom limb' is a sensation that people get when an arm,leg,ect. has been amputated, but they can still feel it. the person still thinks it's a working body part, even when it isn't there. but i don't know where that might fit in.

maybe the song is about missing an old girlfriend he left behind, & he can still 'feel' her presence?"

Okay, now all you have to do is think a little bit more.

Phantom, meaning a ghost or something not there.

Limb, meaning a projecting body part, such as an arm, a leg, as is most common usage of the term....OR....

Okay, put those two together, so you have a limb that is not there. This song is about two lesbians who are not accepted because of their choice in engage in a same-sex relationship.

Can you think of a limb that would be sorely missed in an ashamed, troubled lesbian relationship?

IF the incredebly dim have not gotten it yet, it's a penis.

Which, in my opinion, is one of the most cleverly coded titles in song history. Mercer is a birlliant, brilliant man.

hehe yes he is

@meg9502 I spit out my drink when you said there was a missing limb between the too girls. This is great/hilarious. Way to go Mercer!

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