Lyric discussion by Insane_Li 

He carries himself around like he's the shit but he's really got nothing to show for it or back himself up. He's crumbling inside. He wants people to stay away from him, but he wants them to look at him and say, "You're a good person".

I don't really know what the electric dreams/sewage line is supposed to mean, except perhaps they had something stunt their growth into adulthood by starting this band.

Like someone else said about the god line, too, it's like he's looking at himself and his actions from a new perspective, from his enemies' eyes, and seeing how he was wrong.

I am pretty sure the mother line has to do when that one mother sent a letter to their labeling company complaining about Pete saying that people who couldn't be respectful to homosexuals and the like needed to return their merch and leave. The mom was mad that he shared his "political views" with pre-teens and that she didn't pay for her to daughter to hear him cuss with his sailor mouth and give his opinions; that she and her daughter were there to listen to their music and nothing else.

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