Lyric discussion by jsaldarriaga86 

There's even meaning to "What's COOLER THAN BEING COOL" "ICE COLD"

It's about how love has become completely degraded today. We confuse sex for love, and we don't have real feelings. It's "cool" to NOT SHOW EMOTIONAL ATTACHMENT. It's cooler than being cool. Be ice cold, completely emotionally unattached, cuz being a player is way more idealized than being a cool person with a steady girlfriend or boyfriend. All love is today is women showing off our goodies and men idealizing emotional unattachment. This song is deceptively deep. Love it.

Outkast=the shit!

Damn that's deep! Outkast really is the shit!

Brilliant!! We're all so afraid of showing how we feel because it makes us vulnerable. It's much better to be ice cold. To act like you don't care.

Life is short guys! Tell em how you feel today, because you might not get the chance tomorrow.

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