Lyric discussion by nhyde 

I just heard a song that reminded me of my sister Timory, so I googled her. She was indeed a good friend of Damien's and fell out of a window at a party on (not for) her birthday. I'd like to set something striaght. She did not commit suicide. We were very close and I can say with assurance that she was a very positive person and a fighter. I saw the window she fell from and talked to numerous eye witnesses, and heard from the poor fellow she pulled out with her as she tried to maintain her balance. She was also a very accomplished musician and singer. I suspect you'd know her name as well had she not died before her time.

Oh, and I agree that the song is beautiful. Ted Leo also wrote a song about her called "Timmorous me." You may not take my word for it, but if two people like that write a song about a girl, you know she must of been something special. (coincedentally I knew Ted in college and he met my sister through his brother completely independantly of me - in fact he didn't know she and I were related until after she died).

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