Lyric discussion by notfightingfair 

This is the Most diverse song I've heard from them yet, its such a great mixture of different things! From what i hear its about a therapy session. He says long live the car-crashed heart because it helps them write great. I'm not sure what "we took threes across the park" means?

i think we took threes across the park means they had released 3 albums before infinity on high. and i think it's not across the park, but board.

Pretty sure 3's across the board is a reference to 3 out of 5 possible stars when critics rate albums. Consider Jay Z's intro as well as the very next line that states, "but by fall we were a cover story"...which is basically is saying that at first you (media/critics) cast us aside but now all you want is to cash in on our new-found popularity

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