Lyric discussion by Flic 

Many of you have very nice interpretations of this song, but I believe the video makes it very clear.

This song is about America not needing slave labor/cheap alternatives for anything. They are saying that we are strong enough to provide all of our own materials and creations.

"Warm yourself by the fire, son, And the morning will come soon. I’ll tell you stories of a better time, In a place that we once knew."

Be patient for us to turn our society back into a self-sustained country as we were when we started.

"Before we packed our bags And left all this behind us in the dust, We had a place that we could call home, And a life no one could touch."

The self-sustained lifestyle we had and loved is gone.

"We are the angry and the desperate, The hungry, and the cold, We are the ones who kept quiet, And always did what we were told."

We aren't getting the support of our own society, everyone has to rely on themselves, even if it means working for severly low pay and living without the nutrition and warmth we all deserve.

"But we’ve been sweating while you slept so calm, In the safety of your home. We’ve been pulling out the nails that hold up Everything you’ve known."

The majority is ignoring the fact that people are still being used as slaves and aren't provided with essiential needs. Some of the rest of us realize that most people don't live life happily or comfortable and are trying to undo our society's way of thinking into being more generious and giving, whether through higher pays, benefits, donations, etc.

"So open your eyes child, Let’s be on our way. Broken windows and ashes Are guiding the way."

The third-world countries and uncivilized living conditions are proof enough that we need to re-prioritize, adding each others welfare into higher considerations.

"Keep quiet no longer, We’ll sing through the day, Of the lives that we’ve lost, And the lives we’ve reclaimed."

After learning of these conditions, they are asking you to spread the word any way possible, speaking of the good and the bad; the lives we have lost from non-generosity and the lives we have restored from generosity.

"Don’t hold me up now,"

Don't use cheap labor, unsafe conditions, or exploit another country to help your bank account.

"I can stand my own ground, I don’t need your help now,"

We, as a country, are powerful enough to provide all of our own materials and don't need to rely on anyone other than for stuff that isn't native to us.

"You won't let me down, down, down!"

Don't exploit other humans for your own benefit, don't let our species down.

While you have a very good interpetation, I believe it's about the african slaves. But yours is good.

African slaves? WTF? How and where could that idea possibly come from. Have you heard it or seen the film clip?

lol that sounds so patronising.

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