Lyric discussion by shawnathan 

I like how everyone's calling it a Holocaust "theory", in an ironic way, because what do you all think Treblinka was? Its a great song, and even though the opening lyric might shock listeners at first.. when you take it in context and put yourself in the place of lovers, it's just mindblowing to think about. With our current war, and all the different wars going on, like the one in Sudan right now, this story is being replayed day after day. When you're talking about the power of love and uncontrollable forces pulling it apart, i think it's wrong to suggest that the physical side of love is in anyway demeaning to anyone's memory. ".. Right in plain view, oh yeah" isn't about being raunchy. It's about DEFIANCE. How can you say sex is ugly in the face of such a war? Any war.

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