Lyric discussion by Yukona 

I love the line...' They know that they can't dance, at least, they know." Its a line referring to religious people who can't understand the concept of contemporary, relevant, funky Christians WHILE referring to their disastrous dance album at the same time. Classic!

Basically, i think this song is about the whole CCM controversy and crossover projects by artists such as Sun Ho, Lifehouse and Switchfoot, while secondarily about Bono's own withstanding of temptation in the face of a sex and drugs rock and roll culture. Check out the entire myriad of allures presented in the verse after the first chorus and guilt-inducing image of "Jesus round her neck."

The temptation theme continues in the bridge, basically paraphrasing Satan's last temptation of Jesus in the desert. Interestingly, the studio vid for this part just before the last chorus" your love is teaching me how/to kneel" features the Edge throwing Bono off after this "tempting" to blast his guitar.

One more thing: Unos, Dos, Tres, Cartoce. 1, 2, 3, 14.

First Testament, second book, 3rd chapter, 14th verse.

That's the verse God announces Himself as I AM THAT I AM: Yahweh. Vertigo is the first song on the album.

The last song? A track titled Yahweh.

@Yukona The song is 3:14 in length also

@Yukona The song is 3:14 in length also

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